Port operations
Transhipment of bulk cargo
In Port on the Odra river we specialize in Transhipment of loose materials such as:
- fertilizers
- aggregates
- minerals including potassium chloride, phosphates, ammonium sulphate
- other bulk materials with prior assessment of the quality assurance guarantee
Using its own infrastructure we provide professional Transhipment services at the following Transhipment rates:
- Loading of dry goods in bulk:
- Unloading of dry cargo in bulk:
- fertilizers in bulk – loading rate 2 000 t / day
- aggregates in bulk – loading rate 1 500-2 000 t / day
- from TDS wagons – unloading rate 2 000 t / day
- from vessels – unloading rate 1 500-2 000 t / day
We make Transhipment of both bulk cargo as well as goods packaged in big-bags
Cargo Transhipment is done using the port crane and conveyor system for direct vessel loading. At the acceptance and release of goods, each product passes through the certified reloading scales, making in this way the mass settlement independent from the data provided on the basis of the draught survey of the vessel.