
Fosfan SA – Your reliable partner!

Conducting a deliberate pro-environmental policy is one of the priorities for our business. In 2000 we joined the international program Responsible Care® which is a voluntary initiative of the global chemical industry to protect the environment. We have committed ourselves to continuous efforts to minimize the impact of the enterprise on the environment, improve the technical safety and health of our employees and the local community.

Conscious pro-environmental policy is one of the priorities of our business

Under the program a systematic monitoring of the impact of the plant on various elements of the environment is carried out. In 2006 we obtained the integrated permit for fertilizer production installations. This is an administrative decision which is in fact a kind of detailed plant operating license subject to the conditions laid down for all components of the environment and subject to the technical requirements referred to as the Best Available Techniques (BAT).

Specific actions

We undertake a lot of activities designed to achieve specific environmental effects aimed at reducing consumption of raw materials and reducing harmful emissions:

  • we have eliminated the generation of waste slag and ash as well as reduced the emission into the air power of combustion pollutants resulting from heating the plant by more than 99% (coal-fired boilers were replaced with natural gas-fired boiler houses).
  • We have installed an innovative system of unloading environmental acid and have a safe system for the in-house storage and handling of acids.
  • Fugitive fertilizer dust emissions have been reduced (modern vibrating sieves on technological sequences).
  • Harmful slates on the roofs of the buildings and manufacturing plants have been replaced by environmentally safe plates.
  • We have conducted a modernization of the fluorine gas absorption installation that cleans process gases from the production of superphosphate.
  • We have installed modern deodorizers.
  • We have systems for cleaning flue gases from the granular fertilizer production lines of all production chains.
  • We have obtained a high degree of de-dusting and purification of gases from fluorine compounds and HCl, which is important for the health of our employees and local residents.
  • We have an innovative installation for dispensing and homogenization of raw materials – we have introduced a new preparation method for fertilizer granulation.